Applies various techniques and methodologies to extract food remains from food processing, handling, and serving tools and vessels. We are documenting food remains and studying the link between these and specific tools and vessels’ types to provide a better understanding of food production trajectories.

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Chasan, R., Rosenberg, D., Klimscha, F., Beeri, R. Golan, D., Dayan, A., Galili, E., and Spiteri, C. 2021. Bee products in the prehistoric southern Levant: Evidence from the lipid organic record. Royal Society Open Science 8:210950.

Chasan, R., Spiteri, C., and Rosenberg, D. 2022. Dietary continuation in the southern Levant: A Neolithic-Chalcolithic perspective through organic residue analysis. Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14:49.

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Liu, L., Wang, J., Rosenberg, D., Zhao, H., Lengyel G., and Nadel, D. 2018. Fermented beverage and food storage in 13,000 y-old stone mortars at Raqefet Cave, Israel: Investigating Natufian ritual feasting. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 21:783–793.

Liu, L., Wang, J., Rosenberg, D., Zhao, H., Lengyel G., and Nadel, D. 2019. Response to comments on archaeological reconstruction of 13,000-y old Natufian beer making at Raqefet Cave, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38:1–6.

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