Tel Yaqush is located on the western bank of the Jordan River, ca. 12 km south of the Sea of Galilee. The renewed excavations at Tel Yaqush (German Archaeological Institute in Berlin and Penn Museum in Philadelphia, PA) include three excavation areas within the summit of the mound and its eastern slope, which reveal the remains of dwelling units. The rural settlement was occupied during the Early Bronze Age I–III, and its EB III layers included high amounts of the Khirbet Kerak Ware (KKW), attesting to a parallel settlement activity of the KKW people and the local population.

Relevant publications:
Hruby, K., Paz, S., Rotem, Y., Iserlis, M., Rosenberg, D. 2022. Tracing social dynamics of the Khirbet Kerak Ware diaspora and local Early Bronze Age III Jordan Valley communities: Food processing and other ground stone tools as cultural markers. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 52: 6–40.
