Tel Megiddo is one of the major biblical sites in Israel. The tell is situated on the south-western fringes of the Jezreel Valley and was a key location trade route between Mesopotamia and Egypt. The site has undergone multiple excavation campaigns since the 1920s, and since 1992 it has been continuously excavated by archaeologists from Tel Aviv University, with a focus on the economic and political prominence of Tel Megiddo throughout the Bronze and Iron Ages.
Relevant publications:
Rosenberg, D. 2008. Spatial distribution of food processing activity at Late Iron Age I Megiddo. Tel Aviv 35(1):96–113.
Rosenberg, D. 2013. The groundstone assemblage. In: Finkelstein, I. Ussishkin, D. and Cline, E. (eds.) Megiddo V, the 2004–2008 Seasons, Pp. 930–976. Sonia and Marco Nadler Publications in Archaeology, Emery and Clair Yass Publication in Archaeology, Monograph series 31, Tel Aviv University. Eisenbrauns.
Weinstein-Evron, M., Aharonovitch, S., and Rosenberg, D. A palynological analysis of Iron Age grinding stones. In: Finkelstein, I. and Martin, M.A.S. (eds.), Megiddo VI: The 2010-2014 Seasons, pp. 1570–1574. Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv.